100 Black Men 30th Anniversary Gala

January 23, 2023

of Metro Baton Rouge, LTD

This ceremony is celebrating the 30 year Anniversary of the organization and members. Presenting Awards and Recognitions for the members who make it all possible.

L.A. Ops, LLC was contracted by Infinity Productions to facilitate the event for the 100 Black Men Organization. The one day event considers of meetings with the organizers and event staff, overseeing the production teams for sound and stage and assisting the coordination of the staff and entertainment performances of the evening.

We could not have done it without you, thank you for your professional service.

Andre Harmon, president-Elect

Event Speakers, Zulu Mardi Gras Parade, House DJ and Live Performance by Teresa Griffen consisted of the event Run of Show. Because it is pleasure, and to pull of a wonderful event for the organization and guest.

Event with Purpose

Our Contractor services included Consulting of event completing, venue review, potential solutions for unforeseen issues and specification of our roll and responsibilities during event. Communicate with all involved parties prior to event is the most important aspect the day before event.

Our goal for this event:

  1. Meet the clients expectations by resection and facilitating the given vision for the occasion.
  2. Work collectively and professionally with all involved parties and staff members.
  3. Facilitate a successful event that the clients and their respectful guest can enjoy and be proud of.

Successful Event! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to work with your organization and hosting venue the Crown Plaza Baton Rouge. We look forward to working with you again in the future.

Remarks by Client Infinitely Productions

“I can’t thank you enough for your professionalism, integrity and hard work. Thank you for another successful event. Great Job ladies. LA you a beast!”

For more information about our services and consultations please contact us at email: contact@laopsllc.com or call (346) to 267-0858


Rose Johnson March 27, 2020

Quisque vulputate lorem a nisl faucibus, eu consectetur leo maximus. Nulla facilisis nisi nunc, ac tempor ipsum dapibus non. Curabitur non iaculis dui, eu tempus ipsum. Fusce ut porta urna. In sit amet pharetra ligula. Ut posuere quis elit laoreet efficitur.

Billie James March 27, 2020

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum fermentum ligula ut nisi mattis, ac laoreet odio pulvinar. Vivamus consequat.

Ashley Swift March 27, 2020

Vivamus tincidunt bibendum urna eu auctor. Praesent sit amet tempor nisl. Duis eu enim eleifend, hendrerit dolor ut, tempus diam. Mauris porttitor, purus vel elementum porta, tortor diam vestibulum enim, in viverra metus libero nec mi. Etiam pretium velit.

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